Testing Fujifilm X100VI On Shooting Portraits

Sydney-based Chinese-Taiwanese author and blogger Vivienne She wears a sheer indigo midi dress and a pair of beige pumps at White Bay Power Station. Natural light fashion portraits by Sydney photographer Kent Johnson.

Kent was loaned a Fujifilm X100VI for testing by Fujifilm Australia in April for two weeks. ‘Here’s the location I’m interested in.’ said Kent on Day Four of those two weeks. Then he showed me an image on his computer screen, a photo of somewhere I did not recognise. ‘Where is it?’ I asked. ‘It’s the White Bay Power Station, a heritage-listed former power station in Rozelle.’

So I did a quick image search. From what I saw, machinery and raw industrial structures inspired me to a fashion idea. ‘Go the opposite, choose the contrast!’ I told myself. So I selected a feminine gauzy dress and we were ready to go!

We arrived on a bus which was full of visitors who came to the same destination. The White Bay Power Station was constructed between 1912 and 1917 and operated until 1983. After a significant investment from the government to restore the former coal-fired power station, the plant reopened in 2024 for the Biennale of Sydney art exhibition. Contemporary artworks were showcased against industrial walls. Some art pieces were hung from the high ceilings.

Kent spotted a corner on the top level for our shoot. The background was almost pitch-black. Through a high window, a ray of light shone through and landed on me like a spotlight. The light also highlighted the rivets on the iron beams, the iron bars, and the silhouettes of machinery in the space behind. What seems to be a dim, featureless corner people wouldn’t look twice, through Kent’s eyes and lens, he saw an interesting dark canvas with textures. This portrait I share here was taken in this spot with the Fujifilm X100VI.

The rest of the story and ten more portraits are shared on my White Caviar Life website. In that post, you’ll see results from both Fujifilm X100VI and Kent’s own Fujifilm X-T1. For you who want to read more about Kent’s feedback on testing Fujifilm X100VI, simply click here, and click here. And if you like what you see, don’t forget to book Kent for an affordable location shoot package!

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