In Between Seasons… Keep Your Wraps Handy

640-AdjSE_2019In Sydney, we have just entered our 6th day of autumn. The sky is crystal clear; it’s windy; dry and the temperature drops at nights.

The fashion in the early autumn is pretty much the extension of the just-gone summer, except for the extra wraps we need to cover up from the strong wind and the sudden drop of temperature.
The scarf we wear should be larger and fabric-wise should be warmer; that is compared with summer’s little silky scarves. Cardigans also make great wraps; this kind of look is so European; timeless and chic!

As I have plenty readers from the Northern Hemisphere; who are facing spring right now, as it’s also in between seasons, the same tip applies.

Photography by: Kent Johnson

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  1. So true. This outfit would be perfect for Danish spring/summer. In Dubai, the heat is on again, and with temperatures around 25°C, we don’t really have real spring, just hot season and very hot season:)

  2. Spring arrives in the Northern Hemisphere March 20th. This Sunday we mover our clocks forward one hour, as in Spring forward. I agree love those big scarves for added warmth for Autumn. Love the big one that you gave me. So warm. I also love beanie’s for the head. The type that cover your ears against the cold wind. It makes a huge difference. I have also learnt living in a snowy place. That layers are must when you go into Winter. Here I wear up to four layers. I understand not that many needed in Sydney. And men’s socks are better than women’s thin, pretty socks for boots. Time keep warm friend and stay safe. Huggles xoxoxo

    • So nice to hear from you Ann-maree.
      Thank you for such a lovely feedback! I’m glad to hear that the scarf I sent you had made a good use for you.
      Warm hugs, X x X

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