In Between Seasons… Why Not Channel A New Trend

640-AdjSE-V2-F5602Every seasonal change, I see myself changing over my wardrobe. It’s so comforting to dig out a cardigan from last year, or in my case; I could easily dig out a 12-year old jumper and tell myself: ‘You don’t need anything new for now!’

However, few weeks ago, I wanted to dress in something new; something different.., partly as the season was about to change, I wanted to freshen up my ‘vintage wardrobe’. Partly because I wanted to step out of my comfort zone.
As I wear mostly skirts and dresses, my current wardrobe is lacking in good pants; I also decide to shake up my typically classic style and go for something modern instead.

So, ‘Voilà!’ One trip to Calvin Klein and my wardrobe problems were solved! Not only do I love the minimalist look; I’m so happy with this high contrast in colours which I put together myself!

The motto here is, we don’t need to renew our entire wardrobe (Who do we know actually does that?), all we need is two current pieces and we are set to go!
Plus, It’s a good feeling to support retailers while getting our retail therapy!!

Photography by: Kent Johnson

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  1. Lovely story and you and Holly look great together along with the top. And that CK top is a match made in heavan with Holly too. No wonder that lady backed up her car and asked if she could grab a picture of you two!!! Too fabulous for words.

  2. To my dear followers and visitors,

    Today I changed over my blog web address from to
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    While we are trying to figure out how to solve this problem, THANK YOU for your continuing support!


    Vivienne :-*

    • That’s right Val, not even Catherine (Kate) – Duchess of Cambridge – renews her entire wardrobe.., I’ve seen her wearing the same outfits few times over the years! 😉

  3. Retail therapy supports retailers! I’m all for it. I love retailers and no therapy works better than retail therapy. It works for me, anyway, every time.

    You do look absolutely stunning in red, Viv. (And your furry little friend is supremely photogenic). I’m so impressed by your ease in front of the camera. You look natural and confident. I think you were born to be in front of a camera. You have an innate elegance that shines through you in every photograph I have seen of you. And I can see your warm, nurturing spirit too.

    You rock those pants, you elegant Style Guru you!


    • Thank you so much for your compliments and support Fia! :-*
      Your kind and wonderful feedback leaves me feeling flattered.
      Shao-Dudu (aka Holly, my beloved Pomeranian) is a heart melter/scene stealer/show stopper; I treasure each outing and every photo opportunity we’ve shared…


      Viv X X X

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